“ABLE For All Savings Plan” is the name of Oregon’s National ABLE program
Helpful Information About Oregon’s ABLE Program:
Program Name
ABLE For All Savings Plan (this is the OR national plan)
State Administrator
The Oregon 529 Savings Board
Program Administrator
Vestwell State Savings, LLC, dba Sumday Administration
Enrollment Website
State ABLE Law
OR Senate Bill: https://gov.oregonlive.com/bill/2015/SB777/
OR Tax Credit: https://www.oregonablesavings.com/faqs/2020/1/23/what-is-the-oregon-income-tax-credit
State Tax Incentives
Anyone paying Oregon income tax who contributes to an Oregon ABLE Savings Plan can receive up to a $300 tax credit. It is a progressive income tax credit, meaning it has more of an impact for low- to moderate-income savers. For more information, go to https://www.oregonablesavings.com/faqs/2020/1/23/what-is-the-oregon-income-tax-credit